Our bunion management program is designed to minimise your foot pain and  develop strategies to regain your movement.

Bunions can be a very painful and debilitating condition that can affect the quality of your life if you suffer from them.

A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the inside of the foot, at the base of the big toe.

The pain associated with bunions can be quite severe and is often due to shoe irritation, as the bony bump rubs against the inside of the shoe. 

Crowding of the other toes can also result in pain and altered mechanics in the ball of the foot. 

Bunions can develop slowly over time, with pressure on the big toe joint causing the toe to lean towards the second toe. 

Over time, the normal position of the bone, tendons, and ligaments can change, leading to the development of bunion deformity.

Bunions are more common in women than men and have a genetic component, with 70% of people who develop bunions having a family history of the condition. 

Adolescent bunions, which are acquired early in life, are especially related to genetics. 

In adulthood, repetitive microtraumas, such as wearing shoes with a heel lift and narrow toe box, can also contribute to the development of bunions.

As your podiatrist, we would recommend seeking professional advice if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort in your feet or toes, as early intervention can help prevent the progression of bunions and the associated pain and discomfort they can cause.
